ECC Competitions
Prayoga Education Foundation held English competitions for Santa Maria ECC students, from kindergarten to high school. Two of them were Spelling Bee and Story Telling Competitions, which were intended for elementary students.
The competitions were going on for three weeks, which started on April 1st (preliminary round) until April 20th (final round). The results were announced on May 2nd 2024, coincides with the commemoration of National Education Day.
The prizes were handed over to the winners at Santa Maria Junior High School, Jl. S Parman Pekanbaru.
The handover was given directly by the administrators of the Prayoga Riau Foundation and the principals of Santa Maria Pekanbaru School to students from Kindergarten-Senior High School accompanied by their respective parents.
Here are the winners from SD Santa Maria 1:
– Andrew Willbert Indrajaya : 1st place
– Sean Algren Charfin Nainggolan : 2nd place
– Alrich A Bentra Hutabarat : 1st place
๐Grade 3๐
– Rajveer Joshua Dharamdasani : 1st place
– Hideaki Evan Huang : 2nd place
๐Grade 4-5๐
– Valentino Jericho Aruan : 1st place
– Callysta Elysia Chen : 3rd place
๐Grade 6๐
– Agustinus Leonel Ottorino Peranginangin : 1st place
Thank you to all parties who have been a great help to carry out this event.
See you at ECC competition next year ๐คฉ