English Smart Competition, UNRI
Posted on / Berita

English Smart Competition, UNRI

Congratulations to Matthew and Valentino for their amazing win in the English Smart competition of SEO 2024. Matthew (5C) and Valentino (5B) finished as the runner up of the English Smart competition on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at the English Study Program, Riau University.

SD Santa Maria sent two teams against 36 teams from other schools that were also participating. Lovely and Vanesa, both from Grade 6B, came to show their best performance too. Though they didn’t qualify to the final round, they have given their all and conquered their stage fright, making them true champions themselves.

SEO stands for Sumatra English Olympiad, a well-recognized English competition event that has been around for decades. It is an annual event organized by Riau University that allow students from kindergartens to universities to showcase their English abilities through various competitions. There are at least three competitions that are offered in elementary school level, and English Smart is one of them.

English Smart is a guessing game adapted from a television show “Eat Bulaga! Indonesia” which aired on SCTV from 2012-2014. It is also known or similar to “20 Questions” game where the players try to guess an object name and compete in pairs: one plays as a guesser, and the other one is a clue-giver. Matthew and Valentino formed an amazing duo. Matthew relentlessly tried to guess the word by asking yes-no questions, while Valentino strategically provided the only allowed answers: yes, no and maybe. Well done, boys!!

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