Pekanbaru Education Exhibition
Some teachers and the fifth graders visited the Exhibition at the Living World Mall on Friday, 17 June 2022. It was held in commemoration of the anniversary of Pekanbaru City. The exhibition aims to exhibit directly the the best works of school principals, teachers and students of Kindergarten, Elementary and Junior High School, as well as the extraordinary products, projects, or innovations of the education community in Pekanbaru City. Some crafts of our students were also on display. There were Theresia’s decorative bottles, Serene’s beautiful paintings, Bintang’s beautiful tree paintings, etc. It’s fun when our work is exhibited in a public place and seen by many people.
The students visited the BPOM stand and learnt how to check food products before bought. Then, they visited the stand of the food security service. They saw various kinds of hydroponic plants here, and learnt how to check vegetables for pesticide content using a kit. What a fun learning!